Wednesday 25 September 2013

Indivial ideas for a narrative. Miss Georgiou

In this blog, i am looking into ideas for my narrative and how i have got my inspirations from leading thriller films. I am looking at how character, atmosphere, scene, plot and iconography can come together to create a tense thriller that will hopefully shock and surprise my audience.
The first inspiration i have taken is from v for vendetta. The characters mask always gives the audience an element of surprise and mysteriousness and creates enigma. The fact that we might not ever see who this person really is keeps the audience on the edge of their seat and keeps them guessing throughout the film.

This next idea is from pet sematary. It has given me the idea of suspense as we have already been told that earlier on in the film that the child will raise from the dead so the audience is left waiting for 10 minutes of the film knowing that this zombie child will rise and this creates a massive amount of suspense and anxiety among the audience.

 This next idea is my ideal place for a location. This is very conventional of a thriller movie and creates the perfect atmosphere. This is taken from the shining. It is a hotel so the audience can relate to this and its in a very big secluded area. Less people, the more tense it becomes. The hotel is also empty which leads the audience wondering to why and what goes on while nobody is there.

This next scene is from misery, I have used its plot for inspiration as it is also about isolation. The woman becomes obsessed with a novelist and after finding his car in a wreck, she quickly takes him and stops him from ever getting away. This is seen as more of a physiological thriller. I am aiming for this as someone who's is mentally disturbed unpredictable meaning the audience will always be left in suspense.
Texas chainsaw massacare has given me the idea of the use of iconography. In this thriller film, the villian not only has a mask to hide his face, but is holding the iconic chainsaw. He is known for killing with this chainsaw adding suspence and tension to the audience when it is shown because it gives everyone that foreboding feeling that someone will be killed very soon. I would like to use many types of iconography.
In using these techniques, i can begin to put together a brief outline in my head of the sort of thriller film i want to make and how i can succesfully create shock, suspence and surprise alomg the audience. With these ideas in my mind, i have created a small plot. A couple go to a closed hotel. They didnt know this and they start to argue. The woman leaves the man stranded there over the winter and begins to lose his mind in the cold attic of the hotel. He then murders new guests in the summer with blunt objects while wearing a phamton of the oprea mask that he had found. I got the location from the shining, the suspence of him killing from pet semetary, the mysteriousness from v for vendetta, the isolation plot from misery and the iconography from texas chainsaw.

1 comment:

  1. The film inspirations that you have included above, demonstrates a good understanding and knowledge of thriller films and conventions. The screenshots that you have included, also helps to show your ideas and inspirations well.

    Your individual narrative idea shows an overview of your sequence, but you need to consider the sequence in more detail and step by step, of what your target audience will see and why? This can be achieved by focusing on the mise-en-scene, characters, cinematography, themes, etc
