Tuesday 4 February 2014

Thriller comparison

I feel that me and my group have created a successful thriller sequence. We have completed the tasks we set out to do and achieved our even after a change in location and some new actors needing to come in. However the sequence has everything that we require and is well edited. Feedback has even concluded that our thriller has included the bare bones of a succesful sequence which include the 3 s's. Suspence, surprise and shock.

I feel the best micro elements used is mise en scene, editing and camera angles. The costume and iconography side of the thriller is very believeable. Fake blood is used for gore which can frighten the auidence and the clothes are very typical of what our targeted  audience would wear. This brings them into a greater understand and could make them think if it was them. Editing is used throughtout as the film is shot over a week and a change in location is constsntly used. However good editing makes our swquence look consistant and flowing. A range of camera angles are alos used in our swquence to enhance the audience understand and experence. My favorite is the canted angle used while Lucy is walking through the woods. It shows her confusion and the auidence can see she is on edge. This can put them on edge.

If I were to compare this thriller to a famous one, I would pick phsyco. The scene were she is stabbed resenbles our scene. This is beacuse sound is used to build up tension amongst the auidence. The build up is also quite lengthy. This is very similar to our scene when the killer is walking up to kill me. Also, in our thriller clip, the stabbing is never seen, this can coispond with hitchcocks master piece.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of how your thriller sequence is successful, in terms of the micro elements. You have also started to consider another thriller to compare to and have included points on the conventions and micro elements, which supports your understanding well. However, you need to elaborate on the points that you have made in more detail.
