Sunday 20 October 2013

Preliminary task. Miss Georgiou

My preliminary task involved me, Alex and Lucy. The purpose of our preliminary task was to really find our feet and get a feel for what we are in for. We had a first look at the camera we would be using and we discovered how best to film shots and our strengths and weaknesses. In our task, Alex filmed me walking down the stars and followed me down without moving the camera position which was continuity editing. I then met Lucy and we had a chat about school work in the common room. In doing this, we established which shots would be right for us. We used the reverse shot while talking. The 180 degree rule was used and was edited in a way that it will flowed fluently and lasted under 1 minute. In this task we really learnt to embrace the narrative style and learnt to be patient with our filming. If something isn't right first time, it needs to be repeated until it is what the group wants and I think that is the main thing i have picked up from doing this task. From this task, I feel my group has a more clearer insight into what we need to do to  create a chilling thriller that connotes our ideas and beliefs through a select number of techniques and camera uses we have picked up from the preliminary task.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in describing what your preliminary task involved and you have considered some of the strengths from your task. You now need to consider media terminology and use specific terminology to describe what tools you used and what you learnt from it.

    Aim to consider the purpose of carrying out this task in more detail, by focusing on your main task and how your preliminary task will assist you with carrying out your thriller. Also aim to include your task, within this post.
