Thursday 31 October 2013

Target audience results. Miss Miller

Research was carried out in our group about what people want to see and like about thriller films to put into our own clip. We questioned 40 people and asked them a number of open and closed questioned. We hope these results will take us further into our understand of this genre.

The first question and pie chart i want to bring to attention is the question  'what interests you in watching a thriller?'. No one said anything other than the 3 answers provided which were scary, suspense and tension. This is an indication that these are going to be the foundation of a good thriller.

This next question shows us that a lot of people opted to another option other than the the noises listed. When asked what other, people said footsteps or no noise at all. This is something we can take into consideration.

This next question is about where the audience would like the thriller to be set. Once again the other category dominates this question. People said that a normal house or area would be an ideal location which we do not have on the list. Examples of this ideal location includes Halloween and jaws. These take place in everyday locations.

The next question I would like to show you is on what sub genres people would like to see in a thriller film and most of them went for other. When asked what, many people said that they would like to see no sub genre. This indicates to me that we should not try to mix our genre with other things.

We also used a number of open questions. These were used so we can get an overall idea of what people see a thriller to be like with no prompts. One of these questions were 'what type of character would you like to see in a thriller film?' Answers that came back were mysterious and violent. Going back to mysterious, this links in with enigma and we can now make the connection in the sense that an element of mysteriousness keeps the audience on the edge of their seat. Another open question used is 'what would you like the purpose to be?' The main answer that came back to use is revenge. People very much took the approach of bad things come to people who are bad themselves. Now our group can take this purpose and mold it into our own narrative. Who and why would someone take revenge? This opens up new ideas to us.

I feel the research gathered will help us now develop a bigger picture and show us an insight into what people want to get from a thriller film. Hopefully we can take points like little sub genres and location ideas and create a thriller that people will enjoy. We have also discovered are key factors which are sacra, suspense and tension. I feel these things will be the core of our groups success.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very basic analyses of your results and not explained how you will incorporate them into your sequence.

    You need to:
    1) Use PEER to analyse your results,
    2) Explain how you will incorporate them into your sequence
    3) Explain what the results mean in terms of your content
