Wednesday 4 December 2013

Production roles. Miss Miller

The production roles are important as it allows people to know what exactly they are doing. The production roles are shown in the opening credits and also allows the audience to see and acknowledge the people that made the film actually happen. Everyone needs to know what they are doing to we can film and edit our thriller efficently. The roles include:

Actors: The people who you see in the film, also known as the cast
Camera man: The person who films the cast
Sound tecnhinition: This person records the sounds and inputs them in the editing phase
Editor: The people who put all the film scenes and shots together to make sense
Producer: Makes sure the idea has come across and everything is appoaved and ticked off
Writer: This person thinks up of the script and comes up with the idea of the story
Director: This person overviews the film and is in charge of all of the above

These are the roles that we have selected for each other. These are subject to change however because we dont know what will happen in the near future.

Actors: Noah Lown and Lucy Mumford and Micheal John
Camera: Alex
sound: Heather
Editor: Noah, Lucy and Alex
Producer: Noah
Writer: Lucy
Director: Alex

We decided these roles through what we believe are peoples strenghts. If we pick what people are good at then the production should run alot smoother and have a better outcome. Choosing the actors and camera man was quite easy. We needed a girl so lucy would qualify striaght away while me and Alex came to an agreement on the actor and camera man. Micheal is a perfect for his role as he matches the character of the stalker we want and is very good in that area of acting. We brought in Heather as she has had years of expirence in sound and will allow us to really entice the audience in this technique. We have all decied to be editors because as long as we all have a clear outline in our head then we should all be able to work on different stages of our thriller allowing less time spent editing. I have decided to be producer as I feel I know the different criteria needed to present a succesful thriller film. By this I mean that I make sure things like mise-en-scene and different cinematography is ticked off. Lucy is the person who came up with the idea of the woods so she is taken credit for the writing of this good idea. Finally, Alex is the director and can overview the whole scene

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a very brief recount of the various main roles involved when filming and have mentioned who has been allocated each role, with minimal explanation as to why. You need to include a summary to explain why you think allocating specific people these roles will help your group produce a better sequence.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Elaborate on all of the roles by explaining WHY you have allocated certain people each role (paragraph for each role!)
    2) Include a summary explaining how and why you think allocating people these different roles will make your sequence better and production easier and if anything could have been done differently
    3) Explain what each person has done in relation to their roles (have they done it well? has it made production easier?)
    4) Read through and double check spelling/grammar etc.
