Thursday 14 November 2013

Group storyboard. Miss Miller

The purpose of a group storyboard is the concept of our three combined ideas pieced into one final narrative. Another purpose is that when filming our final piece, we can use the storyboard to portray what we want to see in each frame. There will be a narrative, sounds, shots, locations, lighting, editing, characters and iconography. The story board also makes it a lot easier for us as we don't have to think on the spot as it is all planned out.

We have taken every ones storyboard as we managed to gain a whole range of ideas using this technique and we can take ideas from each other which we as individuals didn't think of.

The rest of my groups ideas however were limited as they didn't bother to make an Individual storyboard at the time. Never the less they still had some ideas to input.

One that popped up straight away was the idea of the jump cut at the end of the film. The idea being that as soon as the audience see the killer behind the girl the film ends. This adds a great deal of suspense and shock to our narrative allowing the the audience to not only be left on the edge of their seats but to draw their own conclusions.

Another key idea we wanted to portray was the low key lighting and background noise. Starting on low key lighting, I feel this is used to keep the audience guessing to what is going on in the scene. The less they see the better as it helps keep up that element of surprise. This is  why many thrillers are set at night as visibility is reduced. Secondly, we found background noise key. Natural noises such as leaves or birds can easily send people into a false sense of security as the audience can relate to those noises and almost feel at home with them. This means when something tense happens, the shock would be enhanced.

To conclude, I feel we all icorparated our ideas well into one storyboard and we are now all clear on what our narritive is and how we will conduct each frame. However one thing we would of liked to include is more iconograohy somehow.

1 comment:

  1. You have briefly explained the purpose of a group storyboard and elaborated on a couple of points that were discussed within your group. You need to make sure you discuss all relevant ideas that will be included within your storyboard, explaining how you came to agreements etc.

    To improve your post you need to:
    1) Discuss the various ideas that came up within your group and how you incorporated them into your storyboard
    2) Include pictures of ALL of your storyboard
    3) Explain why you have chosen to include certain elements within your storyboard and how they are conventional of the thriller genre.
    4) Read through and double check spelling etc.
