Friday 22 November 2013

Planning opening credits. Miss Georgiou

The start of our thriller will have an opening credits scene. Credits are important as they set the audience up for the film. Sometimes it can even set the scene in a location. It is also in the name 'credits' it is when a group of people are taking 'credit' for what they have produced or been apart of. In an opening credits sequence, I will be looking at the colours, styles, conventions and appearance.

The scene the class analysed was se7en. The colours are inconsistent as they change in fade and add an element of confusion amongst the audience. There is also the colour red which connotes blood, murder and death. The style is Jumpy and has a flicker effect. This could entice the audience and scare them as they are curious about the unknown or mysteriousness. A main convention is the unnatural noise. This is something out of place or something that doesn't belong. This can unease the audience which can keep them on the edge of their seat. The order of appearance is also important. The order was production company, director, actors, title of the film, actors, costumes, cameras, producer, writer and then director again. This is a very common order and will take inspirations from this for my thriller.

 The opening sequence I personally analysed is from the omen. The colours in this clip are very basic and clear to understand. The black and the red with cross on the floor could connote unholiness as we usually associate lighter colours with God. The style is very consistent and gives the audience a good insight to the films main plot with is a unholy boy. This keeps the audiences ready for when we see him but until then the director can use suspense. The conventions are simple but are very stereotypical of a thriller film. Everything is spaced out allowing the audience to survey the screen. The black and red along with the sound almost set up the audience for what they are in for. The titles itself are very clearly laid out and are bold which allows you to really acknowledge them. The order goes production company, actors, title, actors, camera, music, editor, producer, writer, director. This is very similar to se7en and are group will take a similar approach.

After talking in our group and taking ideas from are individual clips and a joint clip. We have decided to follow the same basis of the se7en clip where the images on screen are moving. However we may use the bold and clear lettering used from the omen clip. These ideas may change in the editing stage depending on what we have filmed. This is because our group has not fully looked into depth of what we actually want the audience to see in terms of the start of the film. I personally feel it should be like the omen as it really connotes a thriller film however a moving image will properly have to be used in our thriller. We will stick with the theme of darkness and curiosity as these can provoke the audience and can create tension.

In our thriller, the order of the title sequence will be:

Production company: LAN production
Actors: Noah Lown and Lucy Mumford
Camera: Alex
Music: Heather
Editor: Noah, Lucy and Alex
Producer: Noah
Writer: Lucy
Director: Alex
The film title: The woods

The style of the writing will be a dull font witch looks rushed. The colours will be dark and red. The colour red can connote blood and will entice the audience. The whole credit sequence will be dark slow and obscure.

These are just two quick ideas that I will present to the group.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what the purpose of opening credits are. You have analysed two different examples and have started to consider on the codes and conventions of a thriller. But further discussion and explanation of the credit sequence is needed, to demonstrate further understanding. This includes the editing effect that has been applied and the audience relationship and engagement. This needs to be added, to demonstrate further understanding, of why credits are essential to include.

    You have started to consider your own ideas for your fonts, but you also need to discuss why, you selected to use a certain font and colour and how it will be parallel, to your images.
